1 Aprile 2022 19:51

Cos’è lo spread (High-Low) e (Open-Close)?

What is high and low in a spread?

A higher than normal spread generally indicates one of two things, high volatility in the market or low liquidity due to out-of-hours trading. Before news events, or during big shock (Brexit, US Elections), spreads can widen greatly. A low spread means there is a small difference between the bid and the ask price.

What is FX spread?

The forex spread is the difference between a forex broker’s sell rate and buy rate when exchanging or trading currencies. Spreads can be narrower or wider, depending on the currency involved, the time of day a trade is initiated, and economic conditions.

What is the best spread in forex?

Which broker has the best spread? Tickmill stands out as having the best spread, as the overall trading cost (spread + commission) is 0.47 pips, which is the lowest on average based on September 2021 data using the EUR/USD pair on its Pro account offering.

What does spread mean in trading?

Generally, the spread refers to the difference between two prices, rates, or yields. In one of the most common definitions, the spread is the gap between the bid and the ask prices of a security or asset, like a stock, bond, or commodity. This is known as a bid-ask spread.

What does a +7 spread mean?


What does +7 spread mean? If the spread is seven points for a game, it means the underdog is getting seven points, noted as +7 on the odds. A team posted at -7 is the favorite and is laying seven points.

How do you trade spreads?

The strategy of spread trading is to yield the investor a net position with a value (or spread) that is dependent upon the difference in price between the securities being sold. In most cases, the legs are not traded independently but instead, are traded as a unit on futures exchanges.

What are the 3 types of spread?

There are three main types of options spread strategy: vertical, horizontal and diagonal. A vertical spread strategy – sometimes known as a money spread – uses two options with identical expiry dates but different strike prices.

What is a bearish put spread?

A bear put spread consists of one long put with a higher strike price and one short put with a lower strike price. Both puts have the same underlying stock and the same expiration date. A bear put spread is established for a net debit (or net cost) and profits as the underlying stock declines in price.

What does a tight spread indicate?

A tight market is one with narrow bid-ask spreads. A tight market for a security or commodity is characterized by an abundance of market liquidity and, typically, high trading volume. Intense price competition on both the buyers’ and sellers’ sides leads to tight spreads, the hallmark of a tight market.

Why are tighter spreads better?

When trading forex, or any other asset via a CFD trading or spread betting account, you pay the entire spread upfront. This compares to the commission paid when trading share CFDs, which is paid both when entering or exiting a trade. The tighter the spread, the better value you get as a trader.

Do spreads count as day trades?

A change in direction means entering a sell to close order after a buy to open order OR entering a buy to close order after a sell to open order. A spread must open and close as a spread to count as one day trade — otherwise, each leg counts as a day trade.

What does a large spread indicate?

A large spread exists when a market is not being actively traded, and it has low volume, so the number of contracts being traded is fewer than usual. Many day trading markets that usually have small spreads will have large spreads during lunch hours or when traders are waiting for an economic news release.

What is spread indicator?

A spread indicator is a measure that represents the difference between the bid and ask price of a security, currency, or asset. The spread indicator is typically used in a chart to graphically represent the spread at a glance, and is a popular tool among forex traders.

What are the different types of spread explain with suitable examples?

Types of Vertical Spreads

Spread Strategy Debit / Credit
Bull Call Buy Call C1 Write Call C2 Debit
Bear Call Write Call C1 Buy Call C2 Credit
Bull Put Write Put P1 Buy Put P2 Credit
Bear Put Buy Put P1 Write Put P2 Debit

How do brokers make money on spread?

Brokers make money through fees and commissions charged to perform every action on their platform such as placing a trade. Other brokers make money by marking up the prices of the assets they allow you to trade or by betting against traders in order to keep their losses.

Can companies Spreadbet?

Due to widespread access to information and increased communication, opportunities for arbitrage in spread betting and other financial instruments have been limited. However, spread betting arbitrage can still occur when two companies take separate stances on the market while setting their own spreads.

Who makes money on stock spread?

Market makers earn a living by having investors or traders buy securities where MMs offer them for sale and having them sell securities where MMs are willing to buy. The wider the spread, the more potential earnings an MM can make, but competition among MMs and other market actors can keep spreads tight.